Capstone: Bottie
Hello, my name is Danyella but I prefer going by Dany. My capstone project reflects my focus in rigging. I've decided to rig a small robot. It would have similar properties and features as Disney’s Wall-e. This specific rig will allow the robot to bend its body to act like rubber. There will be face blendShapes even if it is without an actual face. These small blendShapes will help get expressions across. Most of the joints will not be blended to create a mechanical feel. I made a schedule for a 13 week period, that I hope to be able to follow. During this period, I will also be making tools to help me rig more efficiently. At the end of the 13 week period, I hope to have a fully functioning rig for the robot and a calisthenics video.
Free Model from CGTrader
Rigged by Danyella Rocha